Of the many methods that I know, searscard the author uses the method of literature. In modern times these methods literature does not just mean going to the library but can also be done by going to internet cafes (cafe). The authors use this method because it is much more practical, effective, efficient, and craigslist very easy to find materials and data - data about the topics or material that I use for this paper.

A leader may be high achievers for itself, but it is not sufficient if it does not successfully growing and developing all the best in subordinates. Of so many definitions of leaders, authors can conclude that: The leader is the one who gets the mandate and has personality traits, attitudes, and good style to administer or manage other people.searscard

Leadership is the ability to influence and motivate others to do something fit a common goal. Leadership includes determining the processes affecting the organizational objectives, motivate followers to achieve the objective behavior, influence to improve the group and its culture. While power is the ability to influence others to want to do pap desired other party. "The art of Influencing and directing meaninsuch away to abatain Reviews their willing obedience, confidence, respect, and loyal cooperation in order to Accomplish the mission". Leadership is an art to mempengaruhidan move people - people in such a way to obtain compliance, trust, respect, and cooperation royal to complete the task - Field Manual 22-100.

Power is the ability to influence others to want to do what the other side wants. These three words are the leader, leadership as well as the previously described power have an attachment that can not be separated. Because to be a leader not only by love each other, but many factors. The successful leader should have some criteria that depend on the viewing angle or approach used, whether it is his personality, skill, talent, nature - nature, or authority owned which will greatly affect the theory and leadership style will be applied.

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